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Protect the long-term value
of your product portfolio

Maximize and maintain top-line revenue by optimizing your launch sequence and minimizing the impact of IRP of your in-market assets. It doesn’t get easier than with us.


We provide turn-key pricing solutions

Get access and start your analysis within 48 hours or request ad hoc analysis without licensing our software. Anything is possible.

Our Pricing & Reimbursement Platform is a web-based platform that is continuously updated as our solutions evolve – the Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) structure supports a rapid deployment and enterprise-level scalability. No installation or packaging by IT department required.


Here is how we can support you:


Get immediate access to our industry-leading LSO module on the cloud.

Ad-hoc analysis

No time for running LSO analysis? 

No problem, we can do it for you. 


Get immediate access to our industry-leading IRP module on the cloud.

Ad-hoc analysis

No time for running IRP analysis? 

No problem, we can do it for you. 


More than just a Pricing &
Reimbursement Platform

Get instant access to a critical range of analytical parameters to enable faster decision making throughout the reimbursement cycle.


Built To Make Your Life Easier

Optimized for user experience, our pricing & reimbursement tools allow for time and resource savings yet deliver more insights and strategy than any other applications.


Simple. Smart. Fast.

Our LSO and IRP tools run highly sophisticated analytics in the backend, yet are built to be simple to use, deliver smart insights, and run so fast, we dare to challenge you to show us a simpler, smarter, or faster tool.


Launch Sequence Optimization driving strategy

Because Launch Sequence Optimization should not only be about numbers but insights informing and driving strategy. At your fingertips, instantaneously, and when you need it.

Launch Sequence Optimization

Launch Sequence Optimization
done the right way

Launch Sequence Optimization is not a one-time exercise.

Solutions in Excel® cannot run a true Launch Sequence Optimization.


Re-think how you execute your
global launch strategy

The only LSO that lets you continuously adapt your optimal launch sequence and allows you to respond to payer negotiations during your launch phase.

Simply drag & drop countries to get instant results and track changes of optimal global reimbursement timelines.


Stay in control and manage a
dynamic product launch

Evaluate the impact of out-of-sequence launch opportunities.

Easily customize launch baskets, calculations, and rules per product or disease area.


The IRP that only requires a few clicks to run a scenario….

IRP Impact

…yet delivers a forecast closer to reality than any other IRP tool.


Develop innovative strategies
to save global revenues

Analyze the impact of a change in basket, rule, and/or calculation at any point in time with a few clicks in less than a minute.


Evaluate market trends with
customized intelligence

Improve your forecast by creating a realistic view of the marketplace by adjusting the probability of a scheduled event happening.


Run a new IRP scenario within seconds

Single versus Macro Price Events.

Upload macro price events, i.e. for annual budget planning purposes

Only a few clicks to run a new IRP simulation

Eliminate the need to run scenarios per SKU


More than 10 Million SKUs?

No problem. Our IRP algorithm can analyze 10 million SKUs in under 1 hour.


From all the [IRP & LSO] tools I have seen, your tools are the best.


Head of Pricing, Mid-size Pharma Company

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